Sunday, December 13, 2009

Article 4 and 5

I found article 5 difficult to read, maybe becuase I do not have a printer, so I tried to read it all on the computer, hard to follow. I would like to read it again once I can print it Monday at work. I think it will flow better and make more sense.

Issues surrounding topic: There is an overrepresentation of African Americans in the category of MMR. The is also an overrespresentation of ESL students in the catgory of MMR. It appears that there have been too many people quick to label a student with a disability just because they struggle with the language or are poor. Though income status does not tie in to cultural or ethinicity either.

How legislation has attempted to fix the problem: It has been required that tests be done in the students primary langauge (isnt this a given?). Another option has be required that the tester uses different types of materials. One ruling banned IQ testing on African Americans, that seems extreme to me. It is also required that the levels of representation be monitored every two years. And there have been Amendments to IDEA that try to limit guidelines to labeling in order to account for how overrepresentation may have occured.

The problem as I see it is that people are too quick to throw a label on a kid. If they student does not speak fluent English and you give him a test that is ALL English you are setting him up to fail. If a student has never been inside a post office and you are asking him to describe how to mail a letter at a post office chances are he is going to get things wrong. I think the problem lies in how we are testing and the way we interrupt our information. I think that before testing any student you should get all the facts and test accordingly. Background needs to be taken into consideration before making any judgements.


  1. I had a hard time with this article as well. Actually I had a hard time with the topic in general and maybe it's because I am not completely familuar with the topic. I mean I know the general issues surrounding the topic but I know I feel that I need to reread the articles again. Actually I hope that we go over this in class because I don't want to feel lost in this important issue.

    In the end I completely agree with you. I think now days everyone wants to label everyone as having an illness or disorder. People never just known for who they are, it's who they are with their disorder. I think this is the sad part of where our society was gone.

    The person's background is the key in this issue/topic. The background of the person needs to be taken into consideration!!

  2. I agree I thought it was given for testing to be done in their native language until they are fluent in English. My grandparents all had to learn English when they moved here from Poland, Ireland and Germany. I am annoyed each time I go somewhere and everything is in spanish and english. I'm on my soapbox again. We dont' expect many of these students/parents to learn English. That irritates me. I am all for celebrating your culture. I enjoy going the the diferent nationality festivals in the summer. everyone/culture ahs something to give. I especially enjoy the food and love Latin dancing. There are many programs here to help them learn Engllish.
    As far as labeling a student, I'm on the fence. Many of the students require a label in order to get help. That's the law in some states. There is always private help available but many times it's unaffordable. Today's culture does not take responsiblity and is sue happy. If we label a child we can be sued. If we don't label a child we can be sued as being racist because of the child's ethnicity and he/she is not getting the help required. It seems like a catch 22. I am not sure of the answer but suggested an idea inmy blog. I am sure that the path we are traveling currently is not working.
